
  • How will you descibe your company and products offered?
  • What are the problems you are trying to solve?
  • What is unique about your solution?
  • Please provide value proposition provided for the customer segment
  • Who are your competitors and what is your competitive advantage?
  • Expain your revenue model
  • What is the potential market size for your product?
  • Additional materials to support the case
  • Who are customer segment

Download the FREE O'Coach App!

1. How will you descibe your company and products offered?

  • Company: “Vaskut.AI” House of Innovation as a startup aims to disrupt the essential consumer industries - fitness, daily productivity etc - by leveraging cutting-edge technology, especially Artificial Intelligence & Deep Machine Learning in its user-experienced focused SaaS/Mobile applications.
  • Product: “O’Coach” your virtual fitness coach - A community-gameplay based fitness platform with a vision to cater to the problems caused by our modern sedentary lifestyles, keeping in due consideration the limitations imposed by the same modern lifestyles!

2. What are the problems you are trying to solve?

Our modern lifestyles - long sitting hours, slouching over desk/laptop/phone, long driving hours etc - continually disrupt the natural biomechanic balance of our bodies! We are simply carrying the daily accumulating effects of this un-natural lifestyle into everything we do, including our workouts! And most of the fitness industry is catering to either extreme weight loss or extreme shredding! The majority of people who fall between these two ends of the spectrum and want to simply mitigate the daily effects of our unnatural lifestyles do not have any platform for them!

3. What is unique about your solution?

Using community gameplay tied up with our unique “custom workout planner and execution engine”, our solution aims to target the majority, often ignored by the fitness industry - the everyday working professional - who is aware about the constantly accumulating ill-effects of modern lifestyle but hasn’t got a platform to use to cater it. We are almost launching a revolution - “Active workday lifestyle”

4. Please provide value proposition provided for the customer segment

Using community gameplay, our solution motivates people to get up from their desks every few hrs during the day and give their bodies the gift of simple but essential 2-5 minutes natural movement workouts! The core “custom workout engine” around which the core value proposition is built also makes it super useful - like a virtual personal trainer in pocket - to the expert fitness enthusiasts who need to plan and execute their custom and personalised workout routines. The “custom workout engine” works as the perfect virtual trainer for injury rehab, cross training etc use cases. The same engine when tied with “private communities” feature makes our app a unique hands-on platform for trainers, physiotherapists, fitness brands etc to engage with their customers and followers in a more concrete manner as compared to other social media platforms - “executing workouts”

5. Who are your competitors and what is your competitive advantage?


  • Fitter
  • Growfitter
  • Adidas training


The wide applicability of our “custom workout engine” and “community gameplay” making the app super-adaptable to all segments - something that every other related venture is missing, with a built-in onboarding path for the average Joe!

6. Expain your revenue model

  • Ad revenue using a fully user-preference driven contextual ad platform running over the community/social feed.
  • Subscription model for premium community features - targeted for physiotherapists, trainers, influencers, fitness brand shops etc

7. What is the potential market size for your product?

The conventional and non-surgical sports medicine and posture correction market size currently as per GMInsights is around 30 Billion USD with posture correction for everyday non-athlete individuals alone comprising about 2 Billion USD! The current markets that we are targeting - General sports and running enthusiasts from Africa and working professionals from Asian subcontinent - is expected to give us a userbase of atleast 1M users by next 1 year.

8Additional materials to support the case:

9. Who are customer segment?

  • Young Professionals: Age Group of 20 Years to 45 Years, student & working.
  • Fitness enthusiast: Age group of 15 Years and above, and actively doing workout.
  • Sport person: Active in sports or athlete
  • Organziation: targeted for physiotherapists, trainers, influencers, fitness brand shops