Our modern lifestyles - long sitting hours, slouching over desk/laptop/phone, long driving hours etc - continually disrupt the natural biomechanic balance of our bodies!
We are simply carrying the daily accumulating effects of this un-natural
lifestyle into everything we do, including our workouts!
Do not let it accumulate! Simple!
Do not let the stress of these unnatural positions accumulate for more than a few hours continually.
We should aim to get up from our desks every few hrs during the day and
give our bodies the gift of simple but essential 2-5 minutes natural movement workouts!
Especially helps with neck and back pain if your lifestyle includes long hours of sitting
Studies show that a 5-minutes of HIIT workout session is much more effective than a 45-minute gym session. Test your fitness with this 5-minutes HIIT workout session!
Our modern lifestyles are increasingly making our joints stiff and injury prone. Do this workout everyday to keep your joints happy.
Sitting for long hours with slouched posture continuously weakens our core muscles leading to back pain, cervical, and overall body instability. Plank, a very simple exercise, if done a few times during the day, can help with many of these issues!
Running is great! But do you know how easy it is to get injured? Do this workout daily to run injury free!
Squatting, one of the most natural positions for human body, when done every few hours, helps restore mobility and balnce lost due to modern lifestyle.
Vibe Internet Solutions Pvt Ltd
C-203, Industrial Area
Phase 8-B
Mobile: (+91) 6284 147 390